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黑森品牌隶属于国际商业名人雪黎谢菲尔。她的首家时装公司雪黎安丝建立在著名的法兰克福席 勒大街作为她的第一家旗舰店。雪黎的第一个品牌是女性时装品牌雪黎安丝,在她成功地在时尚圈建立起事业后,她又创建了男士内衣品牌黑森 黑森品牌主要针对25-60岁的商务男士而设计和生产,以健康自然的材料为特征而被称为商务男士的实用内衣品牌。

在中 国,黑森品牌目前有80多个销售点,主要集中在中国一线城市的大型商场,最近黑森品牌开始在全球范围内发展和建立起网上旗 舰店。

由于创始人雪黎在中国和德国皆是个成功的商务名人和资深品牌管理教授,她在全球范围内开启了招 募一些刚从学校毕业的设计专业学生,计划启动一个慈善项目,雪黎意以自己几十年屹立不倒的生活方式和事业 模式去帮助那些年轻的设计师,

希望能成功地建立他们未来的职业生涯,雪黎作为一个全球化备受瞩目的商业 女性和设计师,30年来一直在金融和重工业领域屹立不倒,也是现代化事业女性的成功榜样。

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Lukas Wagner


Discovering Shirley+Silk has been a revelation in the world of luxury lingerie. The silky texture against my skin is nothing short of divine, providing a sensory experience that's both opulent and indulgent. The meticulous design ensures a perfect fit, offering a seamless blend of elegance and comfort. It's not just underwear; it's a daily dose of decadence that I now can't do without!

Fabian Schneider


Shirley+Silk has set a new standard for quality and craftsmanship in the realm of lingerie. Each piece feels like a work of art, with intricate details and a level of sophistication that is simply unmatched. Wearing their lingerie is more than just putting on undergarments; it's an experience of luxury that adds a touch of refinement to every day. Impeccable quality meets timeless elegance — Shirley+Silk is truly in a league of its own.

Wei Chen


I've completely fallen in love with Shirley+Silk. Their men's collection is an impeccable fusion of aesthetics and comfort. The intricate designs reveal a level of thoughtfulness that transcends mere appearance. It's as if they've captured the very essence of sensuality and woven it into every garment. From the luxurious feel of the silk to the precision of the craftsmanship, Shirley+Silk has become my everyday choice for a touch of sophistication. For those who value life's finer details, this lingerie brand is an essential addition to your wardrobe.

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